Finnbad's Blog

Finn’s Diary – Of Skipping and Baths
March 12, 2010, 10:13 am
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Tuesday 15th July 2008 – Well today started much like yesterday, Master let me out in the morning at about 6.15am and came into the garden with me. We had a little chat ‘Master’ to ‘Puppy’ as you do, and I had a good whizz around the garden – saw the yellow hosepipe snake but think it was asleep because it was all coiled around this wheel thingy by the back door. I whispered to it ‘I’m keeping my eye on you’ but quietly and sternly I thought – quite pleased with myself. Mistress came back from her early morning meeting at about 9.30 am and let me out of my cage, I showed her how pleased I was to see her by jumping up at her and accidentally scratching her hand (she didn’t seem to think that was friendly – these humans are weird sometimes).

Anyway, Mistress must have forgiven me because she took me out for a walk just after lunch – I tried to help by dragging her and walking on my hind legs like Skippy the Bush Kangaroo but she just stops until I come back and then off we go again – walks seem to take ages and they’d go much faster if she let me drag her! She makes me stop when we come to the edge of the pavement and says ‘Sit’ – mostly I do but sometimes these big noisy metal boxes screech past on 4 rubber wheels and I want to chase them because I’m very brave as you know (like with the hose pipe snake) and also I like the taste of rubber and those wheels look good eating so I jump up and down and bark and bark at them – Mistress won’t let me catch them though, she says she doesn’t want me to get run over and I shouldn’t run about in the road – don’t know what all the fuss is about.

Must tell you about the magic new lead that unravels for about 15 feet, so when we get to the field I can run and run – but I don’t really want to go too far away just in case something scary happens and I need to save Mistress – not because I’m scared of course because I’m brave and fearless!!

Oh and now I’ve remembered something that happened last Saturday which I thought was really uncalled for, just because I accidentally stepped in some of my own poo while playing in the garden with Master he seemed to think that was out of order and immediately filled this plastic bath with water and puppy baby bath and then he put me in it! Ha! – not for long though, I jumped straight out even though the bubbles tasted nice and tore round and round the garden with my ears pinned back and my eyes out on stalks! Master said I shouldn’t be drinking the bath water, it was to clean me off but those bubbles did taste good! Then Master did something unspeakable – he pretended that one end of the bath slipped from his hand and the water went all over me even though I was at least 10 feet away!!! He said sorry but he was laughing, I didn’t think it was very funny because I could have caught a chill! Mistress came out with a towel to dry me off but I wriggled and wriggled and in the end I decided to try and eat the towel, I like the taste of towels and slippers and Gimpy’s ears and Nobby’s eyes and Roger’s tail and all sorts of things.

Well that was another busy day but remind me to tell you about the ‘magic room’ tomorrow!