Finnbad's Blog

Finn’s Diary – Of Puppy Class and Skulking
March 16, 2010, 6:36 pm
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Thursday 17th July 2008 – Sorry I didn’t get a chance to write my diary yesterday but I was out last night at my puppy school being very busy and important. Think I’m everyone’s favourite in class so I love showing off so they can see how clever and brave I am – Master and Mistress (M&M) say different, they said I was a total embarrassment, sometimes they totally miss the fact that I am just gifted and a genius – what happened was that Sarah (our teacher who gives me treats so I love her) lets us off our leads for ‘supervised’ play. Well, she lets the more nervous puppies off together first then they get put back on their leads and then the middling ones are let off and finally the most boisterous puppies are let off last – for some reason I’m always last of the last, along with Megan who is my best friend – don’t know why that is! She is a golden retriever puppy with lovely creamy fur and blonde eyelashes (personally I think that looks a bit weird and I’d have dyed them brown like mine if I was her), anyway Megan is about 5 times bigger than me but size doesn’t matter when you are best friends even though she did roll on me and squash me a few times – I was only trying to stand on my hind legs (I’m rather good at that) to lick and scratch her face at the time too. So, we were then ‘encouraged’ to go and seek out other new friends so I thought I’d show everyone how well I skulk!
I slithered along under everyone’s seats, under the stage steps and out the other side where I found some interesting things in a ladies handbag –M&M were scandalized, but I think she shouldn’t have left it under her chair if she didn’t want it discovered by me, the intrepid explorer! Then I slithered on and popped out by Mollie – making her jump a mile high – ooops – (she is a fluffy collie cross but very nervous and spends most of the time under her owners’ chairs), but all this slithering was thirsty work so I helped myself to water from her bowl, trouble is I do slurp a lot when I drink so everyone heard me – time to move on I thought! Next I came to Ollie (he’s a grey/black spaniel – we get on quite well too) and he told me he had this great toy and did I want to play with it – course I did, but didn’t want to give it back! Master came over and extracted me – had a great tussle with him until he ‘persuaded’ me to let go of Ollie’s toy.
Then we did exercises – sit, down, stay, leave and take – yawn, I mastered all that really quickly because Mistress and I practice at home, but some of the other puppies must be really thick because they didn’t have a clue what was asked. Sarah (our lovely teacher) eventually noticed me standing on my hind legs, begging her to ask me to help demonstrate these exercises rather than the other slow coaches, well, she came and collected me from M&M, took me out in front of EVERYONE and started the exercises – I thought, yes, my chance to shine so I was sitting, lying down etc before she asked and did all the exercises perfectly! I think she was pleased because she said ‘Now I know what to do with you during the class to keep you out of mischief!’ Thinking about it, I have a feeling she might just be being a bit snidey – hmmmn!
Well it was a lovely evening and I’m always tired afterward. Megan and I had a lie down and roll about in the dusty car park – I was OK but Megan got really dusty! I must tell you about my battle with the lead tomorrow, I’m a bit sleepy now!